EP Classes


Chinese Calligraphy

Students will be taught proper brush techniques, correct strokes, stroke order, character structure, balance, and rhythm, which are all essential in Chinese calligraphy. Not only is it considered a form of writing, but it is also a unique expression of art.


Chinese Painting

Chinese Painting is an art form where students will learn proper brush techniques to paint Chinese nature themes using either black ink or water colours.

Folk Dance

Folk Dance

The art of Chinese Folk Dance introduces students to the elegance and beauty of Chinese culture. In this class, students learn basic dance movements in addition to choreography from various indigenous ethnic groups in China.

Martial Arts

Martial Arts

In this class, Martial Arts master teaches basic martial arts (Kung Fu) techniques to improve strength, flexibility, and stamina. Students will also learn and perform the Lion Dance.

Chinese Yo-Yo (扯鈴)

Chinese Yo-Yo ** (扯鈴)

Learn how to play Chinese yo-yo and improve concentration, hand/eye coordination, and flexibility. It is composed of a dumbell shaped toy (the Chinese yo-yo) and two sticks connected by a string.